New grape varieties continue to gain ground


The cultivation of new, robust grape varieties in Germany continues to grow. According to the German Wine Institute (DWI) and based on Destatis vineyard statistics, PIWIs were cultivated on around 3,500 hectares in 2024.

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Blick vom Kalmitwingert, Ilbesheim
Blick vom Kalmitwingert, Ilbesheim

This corresponds to an increase of ten per cent compared to the previous year. Their share of the total vineyard area was therefore 3.5 per cent.

Last year, the new white variety Souvignier Gris had the highest growth of all grape varieties with an increase of 208 hectares. With around 600 hectares, it is Germany's most important PIWI variety, followed by Cabernet Blanc with 335 hectares.

Among the conventional grape varieties, the white Pinot varieties Chardonnay (+138 ha), Pinot Blanc (+44 ha) and Pinot Gris (+32 ha) and Sauvignon Blanc (+52 ha) also grew.

In the red wine segment, which is declining overall, the acreage planted with the international grape varieties Merlot (+30 ha) and Cabernet Sauvignon (+14 ha) has grown against the trend, as have the new, robust red wine varieties Pinotin (+10 ha) and Cabernet Cortis (+9 ha).

„The increases in the new robust grape varieties and in the southern varieties in the red wine sector show that German winegrowers are increasingly adapting to the challenges of climate change," commented DWI Managing Director Monika Reule.

White wine varieties stable, red wine and total grape volume slightly declining

The cultivation of red grape varieties fell again last year by 438 hectares to 31,872 hectares in line with the declining consumption of red wine. This means that 30.9 per cent of German vineyards were still planted with red wine varieties.

The total area under vines nationwide decreased by 392 hectares or 0.4 per cent to 103,295 hectares in 2024. According to DWI data, this is the first decline in acreage since the authorisation of new plantings in 2016.

Rheinhessen is growing against the trend

The decline in vineyard area in Germany as a whole is due in particular to the loss of 225 hectares in Baden and 213 hectares in Württemberg. In Württemberg, solely fewer red grape varieties were cultivated, especially less Trollinger. The Mosel (-95 ha) and Franken (-45 ha) also saw notable reductions in acreage. Germany's largest wine-growing region, Rheinhessen, bucked the trend last year, growing by 171 hectares to 27,671 hectares.

More vines in organic cultivation in 2023

The organically cultivated vineyard area totalled 15,300 hectares in 2023. Compared to the previous year 2022, 1,500 hectares more vineyards were cultivated in Germany according to certified organic guidelines, which corresponds to an increase of eleven per cent. This is according to a survey by Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft (AMI). Organic viticulture accounted for around 15 per cent of the total German vineyard area in 2023.

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