Export: US Landscape Report proves trend reversal


A trend reversal is apparently emerging in the USA after the pandemic: The number of consumers who regularly drink wine is growing, while the amount of wine consumed is slightly declining.

  • DWI Current
Urbane Szenen/ Berlin: Spree/ Oberbaumbrücke
Urbane Szenen/ Berlin: Spree/ Oberbaumbrücke

Apparently, wine lovers are enjoying wine more moderately and paying more attention to quality. However, lower household budgets could also be a reason for this opposing trend, according to the conclusion of the "US Wine Landscapes 2023" report. On 19 pages, the report analyzes demographic developments and the purchasing behavior of different target groups in the USA.

The summary of the current Wine Intelligence report is available to contributors to the German Wine Fund via Eberhard Abele, DWI Head of Advertising and Market Research (Eberhard.Abele[at]deutscheweine(dot)de). Contributors can purchase the complete report at attractive special conditions.

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