Secco can be a light alternative to sparkling wine whenever you feel like celebrating with others.
6 - 8° degrees
are ideal drinking temperatures
< 35 g/l
of residual sugar is considered as "dry"
1 - 2,5 bar
With relatively low alcohol, a Secco is recommended as an ideal summer aperitif, which does not put as much strain on the body even in hot temperatures. Served cool at around 6-8 ° C, it is particularly refreshing. Seccos are now part of the standard repertoire for many German winegrowers.
How is Secco different
According to German Wine Law, semi-sparkling wine is defined as wine which has an excess of carbon dioxide compared to still wines. While most of the CO2 escapes during the fermentation of grape must to wine, for the preparation of high-quality Seccos, this is captured and put back into the wine after fermentation.
If CO2 from sources other than the wine itself are added, then it must be declared as "semi-sparkling wine with added carbon dioxide." This carbonation method is only used in the simplest semi-sparkling wines. Seccos have only 1 to 2.5 bar pressure, while sparkling wine contains at least 3, and up to 6, bar of carbonic acid pressure. An important distinction between seccos and sekt, or sparkling wine, is that in the latter, the CO2 comes from a second fermentation.
Seccos don’t need to use a wire cage (muselet) over the cork, like with sparkling wine, but are mostly closed with either a screw cap or a cork with foil or string.
Levels of sweetness for semi-sparkling wines
Dry: up to 35 g / liter residual sugar content
Semi-dry: 33 - 50 g / liter residual sugar content
Mild: > 50 g / liter residual sugar
Is Secco the same as Prosecco?
No! Prosecco comes from Italy, is pressed from the Glera grape variety and may only be produced in the DOC Prosecco. It is available as sparkling, semi-sparkling and still wine. Meanwhile in Germany, Secco is a sparkling wine with technically added carbon dioxide.
with white wine Cauliflower soup
with white wine
- 3 Stück Schalotten
- 500 Gramm Blumenkohl
- 20 Gramm Butter
- 1 TL Fenchelsaat
- 50 ml Weißwein
- 800 ml Gemüsebrühe
- 100 ml Schlagsahne
- 1 Prise Zucker
- nach Geschmack Salz & Pfeffer
Peel the shallots and cut into slices.
Clean and chop the cauliflower.
Melt the butter in a pan, sauté the shallots with the fennel seeds over a medium heat for 3 minutes until colourless. Add the cauliflower, sauté for 2 minutes, season with salt and sugar.
<p>Deglaze with white wine, bring to the boil and top up with vegetable stock and whipping cream. Simmer over a low heat for 20 minutes.
Blend with a hand blender, adding stock if necessary to reach the desired consistency.
Serve drizzled with a few drops of olive oil.
- Silvaner (trocken)
White asparagus with pancake strips Asparagus with "Kratzete"
White asparagus with pancake strips and champagne butter sauce.
- 1kg Weißer Spargel
- 200g Mehl
- 4 Eier
- 150ml Milch
- 1TL Butterschmalz zum Braten
- 2EL Butter
- 1 Zitrone
- 1 Prise Zucker
- 1-3 Schnittlauchröllchen zum Garnieren
- 1 Für die Soße:
- 150g Butter
- 50ml Sahne
- 50ml Sekt
- etwas Salz und Pfeffer
Mix the flour with the eggs, milk and a pinch of salt to make a smooth pancake batter. Leave to soak for 30 minutes.
In the meantime, peel the asparagus and cook in salted water with 2 tbsp butter and a pinch of sugar until al dente. Drain well and keep warm.
<p>Pour the pancake batter in batches into hot clarified butter
pour into hot clarified butter. When the underside is browned, use a fork to scrape into pieces. Finish frying until the pieces are golden yellow.
For the champagne-butter sauce, bring the cream to the boil, reduce slightly and stir in the cold pieces of butter (walnut-sized). Add the sparkling wine and season to taste with salt and pepper.
<p>Arrange the asparagus on pre-warmed plates. Add the kratzete, drizzle with the sauce and garnish with chives.
<p>Wine recommendation:
A mild and dry Gutedel or a delicate Kabinett wine from Riesling or Pinot Blanc.
- Gutedel (trocken)
- Riesling (brut)
- Pinot Gris (brut nature)
with goat's cheese Courgette and chanterelle salad
with goat's cheese
- 2 ganze Zucchini
- 3 EL Rapsöl
- 1 kleine Schalotte
- 300 Gramm Pfifferlinge
- 1 Msp. gemahlener Piment
- 2 Bund Rucola
- je 1/2 Bund Kerbel u. glatte Petersilie
- je 3 EL Walnuss- u. Rapsöl
- 4 Stück Ziegenkäse-Taler
- 1 Prise Zucker
- nach Belieben Salz & Pfeffer
Wash the courgettes and slice thinly. Place in a bowl and mix with the oil.
Heat a grill pan and fry the courgettes in batches until golden brown. Season with salt and pepper, place in a bowl.
<p>Peel and finely dice the shallot. Clean the chanterelles, wash if necessary and pat dry. Depending on size, cut in half if necessary.
<p>Sauté the shallot in a pan until translucent. Add the chanterelles and fry vigorously for 3 minutes while stirring. Season with salt, pepper and allspice. Add to the courgettes. Wash the rocket and spin dry.
Wash the herbs, shake dry. Pluck the leaves, blend finely with both types of oil and vinegar in a blender or with a hand blender. Flavour with salt, pepper and sugar. Pour over the courgette and chanterelle mix and mix loosely with the rocket. Arrange on plates, sprinkle with goat's cheese.
- Pinot Blanc (trocken)
with apples Pork medallions
with apples
- 8 Stück Schweinemedaillons
- 500 Gramm Bandnudeln
- 2 große Äpfel
- 200 ml Sahne
- 10 Blättchen frischer Salbei
- 4 Zweige frischer Thymian
- nach Geschmack Zucker
- 3 EL Calvados
- 1 EL Öl
- zum Abschmecken Salz & Pfeffer
Slightly pepper and salt the medallions on both sides. Pluck the thyme, cut the sage into fine strips and roll the medallions in the herbs. Fry the meat in a pan with a little oil on both sides, not too hot, until it starts to colour. Remove from the pan and place on a preheated tray in the oven at 100 °C until cooked through.
Cook the tagliatelle al dente and keep warm.
In the meantime, peel the apples and cut into slices approx. 1.5 cm wide. Reheat the meat pan and add the apple slices. After about half a minute, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar over the apples and allow them to caramelise. After a minute, deglaze the apple slices with a generous dash of Calvados and flambé. Add the cream and flavour with salt and pepper.
Remove the fillet from the oven. Add the meat juices from the oven dish to the sauce and serve the fillets with the tagliatelle, apple slices and Calvados apple sauce.
<p- Riesling (trocken)