479 results
DWI Current 08.05.2024 Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir visits The German Wine Institute
On May 7, 2024, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture Cem Özdemir was a guest at the German Wine Institute (DWI) and the German Wine Academy (DWA) in Bodenheim near Great Wine Capital…
DWI Current 03.05.2024 London: Big G Tasting reaches out to UK Wine Scene
Buyers, sommeliers, media and wine educators followed the 'Wines of Germany' invitation "The Big G Trade Tasting". Over 100 trade visitors met producers and importers to taste some…
DWI Current 25.04.2024 Successfully presented: Riesling, Pinot & Co in Warsaw
Poland has now grown to become the fourth most important export country for wines from the 13 German wine-growing regions. Good conditions for 32 exhibitors at a table presentation in Warsaw. They…
Warschau, Polen. Riesling, Pinot & Co 2024 -
DWI Current 24.04.2024 Cold snap causes frost damage in vineyards
After a very warm first half of April, the cold snap hit many wineries in the regions hard.
DWI Current 25.03.2024 Start of the worldwide Riesling Weeks in April
From 21 to 28 April 2024, the annual Riesling Weeks organised worldwide by the German Wine Institute (DWI) will start in Singapore.
Summer of Riesling Schanghai, 2023 -
DWI Current 20.03.2024 First German Pavilion at ProWine Singapore ever
From the 23rd to the 26th of April 2024, the German Wine Institute (DWI) will be presenting a representative selection of wines and sparkling wines from the German wine-growing regions at this…
Wines of Germany, Asien, Asia, ProWein, Singapore, China -
DWI Current 20.03.2024 ProWein Tokyo Premiere With German Wines
More than 30 German wine producers and importers from Germany will be exhibiting at the first ever ProWine Tokyo 2024 in Japan.
Wines of Germany, ProWein, Singapore, Asien, Asia -
Press releases 19.03.2024 DWI takes positive stock at the end of ProWein
This year's ProWein exhibition motto of the German Wine Institute (DWI) „Grapes for the Future“ met with great interest from trade visitors from all over the world and ensured…
Press releases 05.03.2024 Trends in the German wine market
Where do Germans buy their wine and which wines are trending? The German Wine Institute (DWI) provided information on this at the opening press conference of the international wine fair ProWein in…
Press releases 05.03.2024 Increasing sales for German wine exporters
The positive performance of German wine exports continued in 2023 for the third time in a row.
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