467 results
Press releases 27.09.2024 Charlotte Weihl is the new German Wine Queen
The 76th German Wine Queen is Charlotte Weihl and comes from from thewine-growing region Pfalz. In a final that was exciting right up to the end, the 25-year-old won the election on 27 September in…
Charlotte Weihl aus der Pfalz ist die 76. Deutsche Weinkönigin. Ihr zur Seite stehen die Deutschen Weinprinzessinnen Katharina Gräff von der Nahe und Julia Lambrich vom Mittelrhein. -
Vinotheques Winery Behringer
Winery Behringer
Knowledge How do white and red wines differ in production?
Wine law classifies three types of quality wine - white, red and rosé.
Vinotheques Weingut Josef Köhr
Weingut Josef Köhr
Vinotheques Winery Andreas Männle
Winery Andreas Männle
Vinotheques Winery Axel Pauly
Winery Axel Pauly
Hikes Keschdeweg (Chestnut Trail)
Der Pfälzer Keschdeweg (Kastanienweg) führt uns durch das Biosphärenreservat Pfälzerwald hinaus in sonnendurchflutetes Weinland, vorbei an vielen Esskastanien, die hier aufgrund des milden Klimas…
Knowledge Do alcohol-free wines taste good?
Alcohol-free still and sparkling wines are on trend. Even though they comprise one of the smallest segments in the wine scene as a niche product, demand and supply are steadily growing.
Highlights Villa Weilberg with Wine Press
Underneath a red roof, a true treasure of viticulture is hidden in the middle of the vineyards on the edge of the city of Bad Dürkheim: a two thousand year old wine press from Roman times. The wine…
Vinotheques Weingut Braunewell
Weingut Braunewell
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