Mixed Drinks with Wine and Sekt
Anyone looking for new, sometimes exotic flavours can create wonderful mixed drinks with wine, sparkling wine, spirits and other ingredients.
Orange juice
Lemon juice
top up with sparkling wine
and serve as "German Glory"
Here are a few recipe ideas for a successful mix with Wine and Sekt.
Hawaii classic
6 cl Scheurebe Spätlese
4 cl pineapple juice
4 cl orange juice
1 cl peach nectar
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 cl peach liqueur
Shake the ingredients briefly in a shaker with 3 ice cubes. Pour into a long-drink glass and add crushed ice or 4 ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of lime and a slice of pineapple or peach quarter.
Midnight magic
6 cl noble-sweet Riesling
2 cl brandy (preferably a Riesling brandy from the winegrower)
2 cl pineapple juice
1 tbsp lemon juice
Riesling sparkling wine brut
Shake the Riesling with the brandy, pineapple juice and lemon juice in a shaker with 3 ice cubes. Pour into a long-drink glass and top up with sparkling wine. Garnish with a slice of pineapple.
Kir Imperial
2 cl raspberry liqueur
Chasselas or Pinot Blanc
Pour the liqueur into a 0.2 litre wine glass and top up with the chilled wine.
Kir (aperitif)
2 cl Crême de Cassis
grey or white Burgundy
Pour the cassis into a 0.2 litre wine glass and top up with the chilled wine.
German Glory (aperitif)
4 cl orange juice
2 cl grenadine
1 cl lemon juice
Pinot Blanc sparkling wine brut
Stir the juice and grenadine well in a champagne glass with 3 ice cubes or 2 tablespoons of crushed ice. Top up with sparkling wine and stir once slowly. Garnish with half a slice of orange.
3 cl orange liqueur
3 cl grapefruit juice
10 cl Riesling or Pinot Blanc sparkling wine brut
Shake the liqueur with the juice and 3 ice cubes in a shaker. Pour into a champagne glass and top up with the sparkling wine. Garnish with half a slice of orange.
What does mixability mean?
Miscibility of an ingredient with other spirits, drinks or juices, especially regarding flavour and aroma aspects. Please not: Wine brings along its own flavours.
with semi-frozen goat's milk Lavender waffles
with semi-frozen goat's milk
- 2 Stück Eigelb
- 60 ml Ziegenmilch
- 500 Gramm weiße Kuvertüre
- 125 ml Sahne
- Abrieb und Saft einer halben Orange
- 2 cl Tresterbrand
- 8 Blatt Minze
- 125 Gramm Mehl
Semi-frozen goat's milk: Beat the egg yolks and goat's milk in a bowl over a hot bain-marie until creamy. Remove from the bain-marie and beat the cream until cold. Flavour with the zest of the orange and the marc brandy.
Liquefy the couverture in a bain-marie and stir into the lukewarm egg mixture. Whip the cream until stiff and carefully fold in. Line a parfait tin (triangular or gutter shape) with cling film. Pour in the mixture and smooth out. Cover well with cling film and leave to freeze in the freezer for at least 8 hours.
About 20 minutes before serving, remove the mould from the freezer and turn the parfait out of the mould. Remove the foil and cut the semi-frozen parfait into 8 slices.
<p>Lavender wafers: Lightly mash the butter in a mixing bowl with a fork. Add the sugar and stir a little. Add half of the milk, the lavender sugar and the baking powder. Stir in the eggs and finally the rest of the milk. Mix everything well with a hand mixer for about 2 minutes to create a homogeneous, slightly liquid mixture. Bake the batter in batches in a waffle iron until golden brown.</p
<p>Arrange 2 slices of semifreddo on each waffle on a flat plate and decorate with mint leaves.
- Riesling (halbtrocken & feinherb)
Asparagus again at last Rocket salad with green asparagus and turkey breast fillet
A light, young Rivaner goes well with green asparagus.
- 400g Grüner Spargel
- 100g Rucola
- 400g Putenbrustfilets
- 200g Kirschtomaten
- 4 Eier
- 1 EL Basilikum-Pesto
- 1TL Butter
- 2 EL Olivenöl
- 2 EL Weißwein-Essig
- etwas Salz, Pfeffer
Peel the lower third of the asparagus and cut off the ends. Cut the spears in half and cook in boiling salted water with 1 tsp butter for approx. 7 mins. Set the asparagus water aside.
Cook the eggs until almost firm (the yolk should still be a little soft), peel and cut into quarters. Cut the turkey breast fillet into strips.
Fry the pine nuts briefly without fat in a non-stick pan. Then add a little fat directly to the pan and fry the turkey breast strips. Then keep them warm.
Mix the pesto with the white wine vinegar, 5 tbsp of the asparagus water, the olive oil and salt and pepper in a salad bowl to make a dressing.
Wash the rocket and add to the dressing. Halve the cherry tomatoes and add to the bowl. Mix in the asparagus and turkey. Finally, garnish with the quartered eggs and pine nuts.</p
<p>This goes well with freshly baked ciabatta bread.
Wine recommendation:
A light Rivaner from the last harvest, fresh as spring, with delicate flavours.
- Müller-Thurgau (brut)
with wild mushrooms Cream of potato soup
with wild mushrooms
- 300 Gramm geschälte Kartoffeln
- 100 Gramm Wurzelgemüse
- 100 Gramm Waldpilze
- 1 ganze Zwiebel
- 1 ganze Knoblauchzehe
- 30 Gramm Speckwürfel
- 40 Gramm Margarine
- 750 ml Brühe
- 200 ml Sahne
- 1 Zweig Thymian
- nach Belieben Petersilie, Butter, Salz, Pfeffer, Muskat
Clean, wash and finely dice the root vegetables. Finely dice the onion and garlic clove and finely chop the thyme. Sauté the diced bacon with the margarine in a pan until lightly browned, add the diced onion, garlic, root vegetables and thyme. Sauté, add the stock and cook for 2 minutes.
Finely grate the potatoes, add to the soup and cook for a further 5 minutes, add the cream, season and flavour. Clean, wash and chop the mushrooms and sauté in a pan with butter. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped parsley and pour over the soup when serving.
- Riesling (trocken)
- Riesling (halbtrocken & feinherb)
the classic with a difference Franconian cider soup
the classic with a difference
- 500 ml Weißwein (Spätlese)
- 500 ml Geflügelbrühe
- 350 ml Sahne
- 30 Gramm Zwiebeln
- 30 Gramm Weißes vom Lauch
- 30 Gramm Sellerie
- 30 Gramm Karotten
- 30 Gramm Butter
- 180 Gramm Mehl
- 2 Lorbeerblätter
- 1 EL Butterschmalz
- 4 Scheiben Weißbrot
- Nach Belieben Zucker, Muskat, Zimt, Salz
Sauté the vegetables in butter until lightly browned, dust with flour and then add the vegetable stock, wine and 250 ml cream. Add the spices and simmer for approx. 15 minutes.
Remove the crusts from the slices of white bread and cut into 1 cm cubes. Fry in hot clarified butter until golden brown and season with cinnamon, whip the remaining cream until stiff.
<p> Strain the soup and flavour with nutmeg and salt.
Pour into deep plates, garnish with whipped cream and the cinnamon crusts.
- Müller-Thurgau (trocken)
- Silvaner (trocken)