Blanc de Noir
"White from black" - this is the literal translation of "Blanc de Noir" and stands for a white wine made from dark blue to black grapes.
100 %
red grapes
was "Blanc de Noir" redefined in terms of wine law
As the name suggests, this form of winemaking has its origins in France, where the red grapes of Pinot Noir (Spätburgunder) and Pinot Meunier (Schwarzriesling) have always been processed into white wines as the basis for champagne.
This is possible because red berries generally have light flesh. The red pigment, the so-called anthocyanins, are mainly present in the berry skins. If the juice from red grapes is to remain white, no colourants from the skins may pass into the must. It is therefore important that the red grapes, which are as healthy as possible, are only pressed gently. The light colored must obtained is then fermented to a white wine. A typical Blanc de Noir has a light color and can sometimes have hints of yellow-gold.
If the cellar master leaves the squeezed red berries in the pressed juice for a little longer - the experts then speak of a longer "maceration time" – this is when a little more color passes from the skins into the must and a rosé develops.
In terms of wine law
After the 10th law amending the Wine Act came into force in January 2021, according to the new Wine Ordinance the designation "Blanc de Noir" or "Blanc de Noirs" may only be used for domestic wine, sparkling wine, quality sparkling wine or semi-sparkling wine if it is a product with a protected designation of origin (PDO) is made from fresh red wine grapes like a white wine and has the typical color of white wine.
Why Blanc de Noir?
The white wines obtained from the red grapes are characterized by their distinctive fruit aromas, pleasant freshness and moderate acidity. They combine the full flavor of a red wine with the fruitiness of a white wine and thus display the characteristics of both types. Blanc de Noirs are excellent food companions that go well with a wide range of dishes.
Flexibility and positive side effects
For winemakers who mainly cultivate red grape varieties, the production of Blanc de Noirs is also an opportunity to react flexibly to the increasing demand for white wine. On the other hand, there is a positive side effect for the production of red wine: if the light-colored must for a Blanc de Noir is removed before the maceration, the ratio of the color and tannin-containing skins to the remaining pressed juice in the mash changes. As a result, winemakers and wine lovers can enjoy more complex and color-intensive red wines.
How is Blanc de Noir defined under wine law in Germany?
According to the Wine Law, the name "Blanc de Noir" or "Blanc de Noirs" may only be used if it is a product with a protected designation of origin (PDO), pressed from fresh red grapes like a white wine and with the color typical of white wine.
with pear wedges Chicken breast strips
with pear wedges
- 500 Gramm Hähnchenbrustfilet
- 2 reife Birnen
- 200 ml Birnensaft
- 100 ml Sahne
- 1 ganze Zwiebel
- 4 EL Olivenöl
- nach Belieben Salz & Pfeffer
Cut the chicken breast fillet into strips. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the meat in it. Add the diced onion and season with salt and freshly ground pepper.
Wash and peel the pears, remove the skin, cut into wedges and sauté in the pan. Deglaze with the pear juice and allow to reduce slightly.
<p>Finally, add the cream and season to taste.
- Müller-Thurgau (halbtrocken & feinherb)
- Kerner (halbtrocken & feinherb)
Light and fluffy: cashew coconut mousse with passion fruit Cashew coconut mousse with passion fruit
An airy cashew coconut mousse with passion fruit
- 400g Cashewkerne
- 400ml Haferdrink
- 6EL Agavendicksaft
- 6EL Kokosflocken
- 4 Passionsfrüchte
- 1 Prise Vanille
Place the cashews in a container and add enough water to cover the cashews sufficiently. Place the cashews in the fridge to soak overnight.
(With a high-performance blender, 3-4 hours is also sufficient.)
Drain the water and place the cashews in the blender with the oat milk, agave syrup and coconut flakes. Add the vanilla and blend until the mousse is creamy and no longer contains any chunks.
<p>Divide the mousse between four glasses. Halve the passion fruit, scrape out the flesh with a teaspoon and place on top of the mousse. Decorate with coconut flakes.
- Pinot Blanc (süß & edelsüß)
- Riesling (süß & edelsüß)
Japanese hollandaise succeeds with wasabi paste Salmon with Japanese hollandaise and green asparagus
Combine salmon with hollandaise and asparagus with a dry Riesling.
- 4x 150g Lachsfilet mit Haut
- 1 Limette
- 2 Zehen Knoblauch
- 4 EL Honig
- 10 EL Sojasauce
- 200g Butter
- 4 Eier
- 1 EL Joghurt
- 2 EL Reisessig
- 2 EL Wasabipaste
- 500 g Grüner Spargel
For the marinade, finely chop the garlic first. Wash the lime in hot water, grate the zest and squeeze out the juice and bring everything to the boil with the honey and soya sauce. Put to one side.
Now prepare the Japanese hollandaise: Bring 180g butter to the boil. Place the egg yolks, yoghurt, rice vinegar, wasabi paste and a pinch of salt in a tall measuring jug and mix with a hand blender. Gradually mix the boiling (!) butter into the egg yolks using a hand blender. Season the hollandaise with salt and pepper to taste and keep the measuring jug warm in hot water.
Peel the bottom third of 500 g green asparagus and cut off the ends. Melt 1 tbsp butter in a large pan. Add the asparagus to the pan, pour in 50 ml water and season with salt and pepper. Cover and bring to the boil briefly.
Fry the salmon fillets on the skin side in a little oil for about 4 minutes. Turn the salmon and fry for a further 2 minutes. Then turn again and baste with the marinade. Remove the salmon from the pan and reduce the marinade until thick. Brush the salmon with it. Serve the salmon with the hollandaise and asparagus. Enjoy your meal!
Wine recommendation:
WINE TIP: Dry Rielsing
- Riesling (trocken)
with wild mushrooms Cream of potato soup
with wild mushrooms
- 300 Gramm geschälte Kartoffeln
- 100 Gramm Wurzelgemüse
- 100 Gramm Waldpilze
- 1 ganze Zwiebel
- 1 ganze Knoblauchzehe
- 30 Gramm Speckwürfel
- 40 Gramm Margarine
- 750 ml Brühe
- 200 ml Sahne
- 1 Zweig Thymian
- nach Belieben Petersilie, Butter, Salz, Pfeffer, Muskat
Clean, wash and finely dice the root vegetables. Finely dice the onion and garlic clove and finely chop the thyme. Sauté the diced bacon with the margarine in a pan until lightly browned, add the diced onion, garlic, root vegetables and thyme. Sauté, add the stock and cook for 2 minutes.
Finely grate the potatoes, add to the soup and cook for a further 5 minutes, add the cream, season and flavour. Clean, wash and chop the mushrooms and sauté in a pan with butter. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped parsley and pour over the soup when serving.
- Riesling (trocken)
- Riesling (halbtrocken & feinherb)