479 results
Highlights Vinothek Max Müller
"We are open to new things, yet rooted in our origins," say Monika and Rainer Müller from the Max Müller I winery in Volkach.
Highlights Volcanic rock garden Winklerberg
In Ihringen, Kaiserstuhl, vines grow on the sloping remains of a 15-million-old, extinct volcano. Winklerberg has everything an old volcano can offer: lava flows, porous lava chunks (pumice) and…
Highlights Wasems Kloster Engelthal
Bringing new life to old walls was the goal of the Wasem's House of Wine in Ingelheim. The family has succeeded with their modern glass-concrete addition to the heritage-listed ruins of the…
Highlights Wine and rock
Wine and art form a unique combination here: On the "Wine and Stone" adventure trail in Heppenheim an der Bergstraße, the cultural history of wine is told through works of art.
Highlights The Wine Island of Reichenau
Germany's southernmost vineyards are cultivated on Reichenau, an island in Lake Constance, now a World Heritage Site. Today, it is better known as the "vegetable island", but for centuries,…
Highlights The Sundial Vineyards
Time travel through the vineyards around Bernkastel-Kues as you discover a series of sundials high on the dark slate cliffs of the Middle Mosel. They now mark not only the time, but some of the…
Highlights Winery : Abril
The warm reddish brown Weingut Abril in Bischoffingen, stands out against the rich green of the surrounding vineyards. The upper floors of this futuristic winery blend into the hillside of Enselberg,…
Highlights Winery : Am Stein
Weingut am Stein is located on the steep sun-drenched slopes on the river Main. From the limestone vineyards soaring above Würzburg, winemaker Ludwig Knoll produces high-quality wines, in particular,…
Highlights Winery : Brennfleck
A sense of tradition, a clear commitment to the spirit of the times and a love of detail characterize the winery and the wines of the Brennflecks. “Clear, simple and self-assured” describes the…
Highlights Wine Estate Burg Hornberg
On these slopes, legendary Götz von Berlichingen once cultivated his wine. For 45 years, the famed yet notorious Frankonian knight with the iron hand lived on Burg Hornberg near Neckarzimmern. He …
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