479 results
Highlights Home of Bacchus - Bacharach
This city honors the ancient God of Bacchus in its name. Bacharach took its name, so legend goes, from the Celtic word "Baccaracum" - meaning Baccarus' farm - or from the Latin word "Bacchiara" which…
Stadt Bacharach am Mittelrhein -
Highlights The Wine Island of Reichenau
Germany's southernmost vineyards are cultivated on Reichenau, an island in Lake Constance, now a World Heritage Site. Today, it is better known as the "vegetable island", but for centuries,…
Highlights Cradle of the wine cooperative
It was a birth out of necessity: since about 1860, viticulture in the Ahr region had been in deep crisis, caused by crop failures, phylloxera and the collapse of the wine trade between the Prussian…
Highlights St. Martin and Wingertsberg
All vineyards are alike, right? Of course, this does not apply to the grape varieties or the soil, but from the outside, vineyards look quite similar to each other. Vines stand next to vines, rows to…
Highlights Winninger Vineyard Terraces
The terraced steep slopes of the Mosel characterise the cultivated landscape in the Terrassenmosel area named after them. The most extensive terraces are found near Winningen, not far from Koblenz.
Highlights Winzerhof Gierer
The Gierer winery is located in the Bavarian Nonnenhorn on the sun-drenched north shore of Lake Constance, surrounded by vines. The family has been dedicated to viticulture for over 300 years and…
Highlights Liebfrauenstift-Kirchenstück Vineyard
Abroad, Liebfraumilch used to be the equivalent for German wine in general. The wine and the name have their origin in the Liebfrauenstift vineyard which is situated around the Liebfrauenkirche in…
Winesights Kertzer Woodlands
The ideal starting point is the parking lot at the community center in Schulstraße in Niederhausen/Nahe.
Winesights View from Himmelsleiter
The 400-step Jacob’s Ladder passes through the hillside wineries on Besigheim’s Niedernberg.
Winesights Krahnenberg
The Krahnenberg owes its name to the Old Krahnen, a historic tower crane on the shores of the Rhine, which was in operation until 1911, primarily to load millstones, tuff, and wine.
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