481 results
Wineries Weingut Agritiushof GbR, Alfred u. Jonas Kirchen
Weingut Agritiushof GbR, Alfred u. Jonas Kirchen
DWI Current 13.03.2025 German Wine is transforming China’s White Wine Market
“Sales of German wines in China are a success story,” writes the portal ‘Vino Joy News’ in its latest issue. The reason for this assessment is that Germany has recently stood…
Kampagnenmotive von Wines of Germany in China -
Press releases 17.03.2025 German Wine Exports Grow Against Global Trend
German wine exporters performed well in a highly competitive environment last year.
Press releases 17.03.2025 Consumer Trends in the German Wine Market
When buying wine, Germans are increasingly opting for rosé and white wines. In addition, non-alcoholic wines are still on trend.
Impressionen Rosé / Weißherbst -
Press releases 16.03.2025 DWI honours best white Pinot wines
The German Wine Institute (DWI) honoured the best German wines of the Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris and Chardonnay grape varieties on the opening day of the ProWein 2025 trade fair in Düsseldorf.
White Pinot Paradise - Preisverleihung am DWI Stand. (v.l.n.r.) Stefan Schindler, Marketing-Chef, DWI; Charlotte Weihl, Deutsche Weinkönigin; Stefan Braunewell, Christian Braunewell, Weingut Braunewell; Markus Pfaffmann, Weingut Wageck, Philipp zu Neipperg, Weingut Graf Neipperg; Monika Reule, Geschäftsführerin DWI, Florian Koch, Leiter Ressort Aus- und Weiterbildung, DWI. -
Wineries Weingut K.H. Schneider
Weingut K.H. Schneider
Wineries Weingut Lange - Schloss Saaleck
Weingut Lange - Schloss Saaleck
Wineries Winery Riffel
Winery Riffel
Wineries Weingut Volker Barth
Weingut Volker Barth
Wineries winery stenner
winery stenner
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